About Us

We are a friendly group of people worshipping in a beautiful Chruch building which dates back to the 12th Century; and there is some evidence of worship on the site from 1059AD.

We are a friendly congregation, easy-going, welcoming and informal. We are pleased to welcome visitors and new members to our services, and enjoy having fun at Festivals. We even also hold services on a local farm!

We work in partnership with the Village Hall and the Village pub, and have a weekly Coffee Morning called Mount Bures Connections in the Village Hall. Next door to the Church is the Mount, a mediaeval Motte which is under the management of Historic England, and well worth a visit for the magnificent views over the Stour Valley.

We have a small kitchen area and a disabled toilet at the back Church thanks to a hospitality project completed in 2019.

We look forward to meeting you!