About Us

A lovely, friendly church with a number of architectual features of interest. Usually open during daylight hours for visitors to come in and enjoy.

Our Usual Sunday Services

1st Sunday of the month Afternoon Tea 4pm
2nd Sunday of the month Matins using the Prayer Book 10 am
3rd Sunday of the month 10 am there is an informal service of Morning Praise.
4th Sunday of the month Holy Communion 9.30 am

There are a variety of services each Sunday across the benefice.

If you would like to bring a group for a guided tour around the medieval  church during the day or a twilight lantern tour please contact Mrs C Anderson on 01473 328538.

We also welcome enquiries about weddings, baptisms and funerals - please contact the Rector, Revd Jenny Seggar, tel: 01473 327951, email: [email protected].

For more information, please contact our Church Wardens at: [email protected]