About Us

Euston is blessed with a beautiful parish church, set amid the open parkland adjacent to Euston Hall. It is one of only four Wren style Restoration churches built outside London in the 1670's. Only two sections of the Gothic tower remain. The church was rebuilt by Lord Arlington in 1676 and has a wonderful mid 17th century interior. The foundation stone in the south wall was laid by the first Duchess of Grafton who was Arlington's daughter. We are a Festival Church, with special services celebrating Christmas, Easter, Rogation, Lammas, Harvest, Remembrance

​The church is open, with guides on duty, when the Hall is open to the public on advertised days in May and September. Visitors also have the chance to view the wonderful Hall grounds, which feature landscaping by John Evelyn, William Kent and Lancelot Capability Brown and can visit the water mill, bygones exhibition and excellent tearooms. The church enjoys a close relationship with its Patron the Duke of Grafton, Euston Estate and Euston Estate Farm. The church key is available by contacting Edward Wortley - [email protected] 01842 752224. With advanced booking, a guide can be available to conduct a tour around the building.

The church provides a continuing focus for annual events such as the Flower Festival  in June and holds well atttended festival services throughout the year: Easter, Flower Festival, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas. It's wonderful situation means that it regularly hosts Wild Team Services designed to help us celebrate our spiritual connection with and appreciation of creation all around us.

For more information on our church and on our parish please follow this link to our team website - EUSTON | Blackbourne-Team (blackbourneteamministry.org)