St Bartholomew's, Groton

Singles, Families, Married, Divorced, Gay, Widowed, Children, Teenagers, Millennials, Thirties-somethings, Over-Forties, Mid-life, Approaching Retirement, Retired, Golden Years, Moonlight Years… If this describes you, or even if it doesn’t, then our churches are here for you!

Get in touch

Fr Rob Parker-McGee SR

The Rectory
School Hill

CO10 5JT
01787 210434

Our website

What's on

Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at for 30 mins
St Mary's, Boxford
Church Street Boxford, Sudbury, CO10 5DU, United Kingdom

Please join Father Rob at St Mary's Church, Boxford or on our Facebook page (where Morning Prayer will streamed live).
Start your day with prayer and reflection and spiritual nourishment.

8.00 am every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning

View attachment

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning at 8.00 am

October Service Schedule.pdf

Our services throughout the Benefice in October 24

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