About Us

We believe that a church is simply a community of people wanting to follow Jesus. This does not mean we are especially holy or ‘sorted’ yet but believe that the church is the place where, together, we find the depth and richness of life Jesus came to offer.

The Bible describes church as a body made up of many different parts and that is certainly true at Hope Hamilton. We are of different ages and backgrounds; some are single and others married; some are parents and others are not. We come from a number of different nationalities and cultures; some have been followers of Jesus for many years, some just exploring faith, and some simply seeking a community to belong to.

We believe that any church should be a blessing to its neighbourhood. We pray for Hamilton every day, provide events for neighbours to meet together, and serve by cleaning up graffiti and litter (among other things!)

You are very welcome to come and be part of this community and we hope to be able to welcome you soon! Please contact us if you would like to know more.