
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

01379 388493

Getting here

All Saints' Mendham is a beautiful church sitting on the Suffolk side of the River Waveney.

It has many fine features including a stunning Ascension window, restored bell tower, and many other delights.

The church is well maintained and kept alive by Sunday Worship on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays  at 9.30am and on the 4th Sunday a short service of Evening Prayer at 6.30pm, with extra services of Evensong and festival services such as Harvest, Lent and Christmas.

It is a prayerful quiet space to sit and contemplate, perhaps saying a prayer or leaving a prayer request on the side altar where there is a prayer station.

All are welcome; the church is open during daylight hours.

See events to find out about a variety of events held in and around the church. All Saints' Church is part of the Sancroft Benefice along with Fressingfield, Metfield, Stradbroke, Weybread and Withersdale. On a 5th Sunday we have a benefice service of Holy Communion at 10,00am that travels around the churches.

nr Harleston
IP20 0NH

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