About Us

Please head to our website (www.skc.church) for more information about us. 

The Building

A church built of stone and flint with a tower has existed in Saxmundham since 13th Century, and is a significant building in the town including being featured on the town sign.

The building has been modified over time, including the addition of a North and South aisles during Victorian time.

Recent changes have been made to the building to make it more flexible for worship and community uses including installation of screens for projection of hymn words and in 2014 the installation of a new gas-fired blown air heating system that is proving very efficient in heating the building and us!

What we do

We have a variety of worship services over the month in the parish and benefice. We are welcoming to visitors and regulars alike.

We run the Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre for East Suffolk and also help run a foodbank, under the umbrella of the East Suffolk Foodbank that is linked with the Trussell Trust.

We have tea and coffee after most services (and even more at our 9:30 service in St Johns).

Being church is about much more than Sunday worship. Whether in our homes, in our workplace or place of study, in our relationships or in our communities, Christians are called to live following the example and teaching of Jesus Christ. Sunday worship is where we are equipped afresh to live that life and serve others.

Please do look at the services and events, visit our website and then visit us in person to find out more. We'd welcome the chance to welcome you!

Please do join us if you are in the area.