
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Priest in Charge, Rev Elizabeth Foot
01872 575301

Getting here

Welcome to the parish church of Towednack in the Anglican Diocese of Truro in Cornwall.

Towednack is from Cornish To (= Thy) Winnoc, a diminutive of St Winwaloe, 6th century founder and first abbot of Landévennec Abbey near Brest in Brittany, and founder of a number of churches in Cornwall.

Our regular Sunday Service is Holy Communion (Common Worship) at 10.15am. If there is a fifth Sunday in the month it is a joint service with the Parish of Zennor, alternately at Towednack at 10.15am and at Zennor at 11.00am.

Towednack Feast is on Sunday 26th April; there is a Flower Festival from 26th April to 2nd May.

For more information, including service times and details, and details of events, please visit our website

TR26 3AZ

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