5th May 2024 Service

The theme for the service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter celebrated last week at Towednack was Jesus’ commandment to love one another. Our first hymn “God is Love” echoed this theme as did our second hymn “A new Commandment”. The first lesson taken from Acts chapter 10. The Gospel reading, from St John 15, verses 9 to 17, begins with, “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love”, and ends with the words “I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another”. This was developed by Rev Elizabeth in her sermon saying that as the gospel calls us like the disciples to love each other, God will strengthen us by his holy spirit. Roger led the prayers of intercession and assisted with the communion wine, David  acted as sides-person and hot drinks were served by Margaret. There is no service on Sunday 12th May 2024 as we will be celebrating Zennor Feast with our friends.