Baptisms & Funerals

Baptism is a sign of Regeneration or new Birth, whereby those that receive Baptism are grafted into the Church, receive the promises of the forgiveness of sin and of adoption to become children of God by the Holy Spirit. Faith is confirmed and Grace increased by virtue of prayer unto God. We baptise people of all ages – both very young and very old.

Please contact the churchwardens, Julia or Pippa, for details on infant or adult baptism.


Funerals services are very important rites marking the close of a human life on earth. They are an opportunity for family and friends to express their grief and to hear about the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Our graveyard leaflet contains practical information you may find helpful.

Please contact the churchwardens, Julia or Pippa, for details on funerals.

Veryan-churchyard-guidelines-leaflet, PDF
