December at St Columb Minor and St Colan

December Services St Columb Minor and St Colan

8th December 7.45 BCP Communion with Chris, St Columb Minor

9.30 Eucharist with Jane, Colan

11am Eucharist with Chris St Columb Minor

11th December Noon Funeral at Penmount Chris

12th December 10am Eucharist St Columb Minor Peter,

10.30 Interment of ashes Chris

noon Funeral at Penmount, Chris

14th December 2pm Baptism, St Columb Minor, Chris

15th December 7.45 BCP Communion with Chris, St Columb Minor

9.30 Eucharist with Chris Colan

11am Eucharist with Chris St Columb Minor

16th December 11am Funeral at Colan with Chris

17th December 11am Co-op Memorial Service with Chris

19th December 10am Eucharist St Columb Minor Peter,

22nd December 7.45 Mattins with Victor St Columb Minor

9.30 Celtic Advent Service, Colan

11am Celtic Advent Service

6pm Carols by Candlelight with Peter and Lisa, St Columb Minor

23rd December 7pm Carols by Candlelight at Colan with Chris

24th December 5pm Christingle with Chris St Columb Minor

7pm Children’s Midnight Mass at Colan with Chris

11.30 Midnight Mass with at St Columb Minor Chris

25th December 7.45 BCP Communion with Chris at St Columb Minor

9.30 Eucharist with Chris Colan

11am Morning Service with Chris at St Columb Minor

(bring a present- it will be used by the vicar to make a theological pointing the sermon)