June Festival at St. John’s.

We are planning a fund-raising festival in June, which will include a flower festival in St John’s  on Saturday June 8th, 10am - 4pm. The floral displays inside will be on the theme of rainbows. The whole graveyard is also going to be decorated.

There will also be three concerts, in St John’s, on Sundays, 2nd, 16th and 30th, at 3pm.

On the 2nd June, the concert will feature the choirs of Kidmore End School and St. John’s.

On the 16th June, there will be a variety of folk music.

On the 30 June, there will be a programme of solo and ensemble music.

On Sunday, June 23, we will celebrate our Patronal Festival (St. John the Baptist.) with  Choral Evensong, at 6pm.

 Refreshments will be offered after all the Sunday events, as well as during the Flower Festival.