Bio Blitzing the Churchyard

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Many thanks to Dave Groves & the Cornwall mammal group and to Tony Atkinson of the Bat Group for a fascinating evening and morning in the churchyard on 28th/29th September.  Our 'Bio Blitz' in partnership with Cornish mammals recorded common shrews, bank voles & wood mice along with a surprising number of spider species! Our survey is helping to establish base lines for mammal habitats across Cornwall in order to monitor species in future.  We now have base line lists of mammals, insects, flowers and lichens in the churchyard. These are recorded and available to view at the church and uploaded to the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (ERCCIS) via their Online Recording Kernow and Scilly website (ORKS). Go to for more information and to access the system. If anyone would like to compile a list of birds let us know. We have ten bird boxes made from recycled wood to go up soon, made by wild Bytes.