2nd February Candlemas8am BCP Communion at Pulham St Mary9.30am All Age Worship at Dickleburgh9.30 am Holy Communion with Lighthouse (for youngsters) at Pulham Market11am All Age Worship at Pulham St Mary11am BCP Communion at Starston11am Thelveton Sunday WorshipRushall Church is open all day for private prayer9th February 4 before Lent 9.30am Holy Communion at Dickleburgh9.30am Messy Church with the Methodists at Pulham Market11am Holy Communion at Pulham St Mary11am Holy Communion at Rushall11am Great and Small at StarstonThelveton Church is open all day for private prayer16th February 3 before Lent:9.30am Morning Praise at Dickleburgh9.30am Holy Communion with Lighthouse (for youngsters) at Pulham Market11am Morning Prayer at Pulham St Mary11am Holy Communion at Starston3pm Evening Worship at ThelvetonRushall Church is open all day for private prayer23rd February 2 before Lent:9.30am Holy Communion at Dickleburgh9.30am Sunday Worship at Pulham Market11am Holy Communion at Pulham St Mary11am BCP Morning Prayer at Starston11am Holy Communion at ThelvetonRushall Church is open all day for private prayer
2nd March Next before Lent8am BCP Communion at Pulham St Mary9.30am All Age Worship at Dickleburgh9.30 am Holy Communion with Lighthouse (for youngsters) at Pulham Market11am All Age Worship at Pulham St Mary11am BCP Communion at Starston11am Thelveton Sunday WorshipRushall Church is open all day for private prayer5th March Ash Wednesday9am School Ashing at Dickleburgh11.15am School Ashing at Pulham7.30pm Holy Communion with Ashing at Rushall Church9th March World Day of Prayer venue and time to be confirmed9th March Lent 19.30am Holy Communion at Dickleburgh9.30am Messy Church with the Methodists at Pulham Market11am Holy Communion at Pulham St Mary11am Holy Communion at Rushall11am Great and Small at StarstonThelveton Church is open all day for private prayer16th March Lent 2:9.30am Morning Praise at Dickleburgh9.30am Holy Communion with Lighthouse (for youngsters) at Pulham Market11am Morning Prayer at Pulham St Mary11am Holy Communion at Starston3pm Evening Worship at ThelvetonRushall Church is open all day for private prayer23rd March Lent 3:9.30am Holy Communion at Dickleburgh9.30am All Age Worship at Pulham Market11am Holy Communion at Pulham St Mary11am BCP Morning Prayer at Starston11am Holy Communion at ThelvetonRushall Church is open all day for private prayer30th March Mothering Sunday9.30am All Age Communion at Dickleburgh9.30am All Age Service at Pulham Market11am All Age Communion at Pulham St Mary11am All Age Service at Starston11am All Age Service at ThevetonRushall Church open all day for prayer
6th April, Lent 5 Passiontide8am BCP Communion at Pulham St Mary9.30am All Age Worship at Dickleburgh9.30 am Holy Communion with Lighthouse (for youngsters) at Pulham Market11am All Age Worship at Pulham St Mary11am BCP Communion at Starston11am Thelveton Sunday WorshipRushall Church is open all day for private prayer13th April, Palm Sunday 10.30am Benefice Communion with procession at Pulham Market14th Apr Holy MondayAM at the Cathedral8pm Coffee and Compline at Rushall15th Apr Holy Tuesday at Thelveton10.00am Morning Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion8pm Coffee and Compline16th Apr Holy Wednesday at Starston10.00am Morning Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion8pm Coffee and Compline 17th Apr Maundy Thursday at Dickleburgh7.30pm HC, Footwashing and Watch18th April Good Friday10.00am Children’s Activities/Worship at Dickleburgh and Pulham Market2pm Walk from Pulham St Mary to Pulham Market3pm Worship on the Green Pulham Market6pm Vigil at Pulham St Mary19th April Easter Saturday8pm Easterbaskets and lighting the Paschal Candle at Pulham Market20th April Easter Sunday5.30am Dawn Watch and breakfast9.30am Easter Communion at Dickleburgh9.30am Easter Communion at Pulham Market11am Easter Communion at Pulham St Mary11am Easter Communion at Starston11am Easter Communion at Thelveton6.00pm Evensong at Rushall27th April Low Sunday:11am Benefice Communion at Shimpling followed by picnic
January 2025Tuesday 14: Benefice Council Meeting, 7pm The Brewhouse Pulham MarketWednesday 22: 7pm Dickleburgh PCCSaturday 25: Burns Night Supper, Memorial Hall, Pulham Market 7.00pm for 7.30pm Tickets £20 Tuesday 28: Ministry team meeting TBCFebruary 2025Saturday 8th: Burns Night, Starston Jubilee Hall 7pm for 7.30pm. In honour of Julie. Traditional supper, raffle, cash bar. Ticket only £20 cash on booking, please contact Herbert 01379 853967.March 2025Friday 7: World Day of Prayer in Dickleburgh Church 2.15pmSaturday 15: Quiz and Chips Evening, Dickleburgh, 6.30pmMay 2025Saturday 3: Dickleburgh Craft FairLent course 2025Thursdays 6th , 13th, 20th, 27th March and 3rd, 10th April Dickleburgh Church Rooms 7pmDetails to follow.Regular Weekday EventsMondays:7.30 TLC - Every 3rd Monday Tender Loving Care / Truth Love Courage - an informal time together to pray and share our faith. Contact Margaret Adlam for details (01379 741999)Tuesdays: 10am - 12noon “Arty Crafty” in Dickleburgh Church Rooms2pm Guided Meditation - Contact Gale Hodgkinson for details and pass codes (01379 740042, gale-h@tiscali.co.uk)7.30pm Pulham Market - Bible Study Contact Jaap Biersteker (01379 608539) for details and pass codesThursdays:2pm - 4pm: Dickleburgh Reading Room is open for Historical Research2pm every third Thursday: "Meet and Mardle" in Dickleburgh Church Rooms - contact Sylvia (01379 643010) for details. 10.30am every fourth Thursday: Walking group: 'Stride' contact Sue (07967 828957) for details.Fridays:7.30pm Ringing Practice at Dickleburgh (contact 01379 740042 for details).Saturdays: 9.30am Morning Prayer at Dickleburgh