Holy Week and Easter at St Philip's 2023 Commemorating and Celebrating

Lent Easter

Palm Sunday - 2 April - 10.30am


Service of Palms, Worship and Processions as we enter into Jerusalem with Jesus, but the cries of Hosanna will turn to cries of "Crucify!" The service ends with the reading of the passion story...

Maundy Thursday - 6 April - 7.30pm


Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is the day during Holy Week that commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Disciples. The word maundy comes from the Old French mande, in turn from the Latin mandatum, which means “command.” This is taken from Jesus' words to his Disciples the night before he dies, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another" (John 13:34).

THE WATCH...until Midnight

Immediately after the Communion Service ends we will move into a time of silence. A bell will be signalled and those who wish can move into the chapel for a prayer vigil, which is what the disciples did when Jesus asked them to stay awake and pray with him in the Garden of Gethsemane. Every half hour we will ring a bell and a reading will be offered. This will last until midnight. You can come for as much or as little as you would like...

Good Friday - 7 April


An hour together on Good Friday morning. There will be a variety of activities and stations to help us pray, alongside a dramatic reading of the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus in three-parts. We'll begin and end our time together with some short prayers and songs.

2-3pm An HOUR at the CROSS

"God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Join us for a service in two parts. The first is half an hour of silence, as we recall Jesus final hour on the cross. We will hear his final words. Then from 2.30pm a service of readings, prayer and silence, ending at 3pm. We gather on Good Friday to remember the day on which Christ died for us, we gaze, as it were, with horror on the place of Jesus' sacrifice.

Easter Sunday - 9 April


We gather together in church for a period of stillness and waiting, in the dawn's early light, remembering God's promises to Israel. We will stay in silence with readings and prayers to prepare us for a moment of great joy when we declare, "Christ is Risen!" The service then turns to the joy and delight of Easter. We will sing together, hear the story of Jesus' resurrection, and share communion together.

After the Dawn Service we will share breakfast together....more details to follow


An All Age service with songs of celebration and joy! We will hear the good news of Jesus resurrection as we sing, pray and share communion. This will be a perfect service for guests and newcomers - bring your family! We will share hospitality afterwards.