Summer at St Philip's - what's on?

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After the excitement of Easter, you might expect St Philip's to take it easy in the summer months - but no!

If you want more regular updates you can subscribe to our weekly mailing by emailing Rolf on [email protected].

Here's what we're doing, which you can join in...

- Sunday worship - we gather at 10.30am in church or the church hall (follow the flags). We will be in church on the first Sundays: 7th May, 4th June, 2nd July, and 6th August. Our All Age services are usually themed, slightly shorter than normal and with a full worship band.

- Connect Groups - as well as church, we encourage all our church members to be part of a small group for ongoing support and friendship. We have three groups, though we're looking to start more. The groups meet on Tuesday 7pm, Wednesday 7pm and Wednesday 8pm. We gather to connect with each other, with God, with the Bible, and consider how to connect with our community.

- Community Cafe, every Tuesday, 9.30-11.30am - come along to our free community cafe. We ask for donations only at this warm and welcoming space for food and fellowship. This is in the Church Hall.

- Family Brunch, Saturday 4 June, 10.30-12.30pm - come along to the Church Vicarage for our monthly family brunch. We gather together - an ideal place for families with children who are interested in church. We'll meet again on Saturday 1 July before a break for the summer.

As well as all this we've other things in the pipeline too:

- We hope to launch our Foodbank in the coming months

- Re-host the historic Summer Strawberry Teas

- Arrange a summer trip to Scarborough

And you are always welcome to make contact with Rev. Rolf to discuss personal and faith matters. We're always available to pray with and for you. We're also available for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.

Aside from all this, we pray. You can join us in a variety of ways:

- Tuesday 12pm in the church hall

- Thursday 9.30am in the church chapel - entrance through the side vestry door

- Sundays 10.30am as part of our weekly worship

And here's what you may have missed!

- Elections, Thursday 4 May, all day - the church hall wasused as Polling Station for the local elections. We welcomed our newly elected Ward Councillor, Nkele Manaka, to our Coronation Picnic, and the Family Fun Day!

- Coronation Picnic, Sunday 7 May, 12-2pm - after our Coronation-themed All Age service we gathered in church for a family picnic. 

- Ascension Day, Thursday 18 May, 7pm - we worshipped in church with a Service of Holy Communion to celebrate the coronation of Jesus' our king

- Family Fun Day and Spring Fair, Saturday 20 May, 10am-2pm - over 300 people came to our brilliant Family Fun Day with Barbecue, Bouncy Castle, Virtual Reality pods, face-painting, Raffle, Tombola, Bacon Sarnies, Splat the Rat, Beat-the-Goalie, and live music. We welcomed many to this sunny event in the grounds of St Philip's, including the ward councillors.

- Pentecost, Sunday 28 May, 10.30am - All Age Service of Celebration in Church. Many people wore RED! We celebrated the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early church.

*Phew* We hope this gets you as excited as it does us! Maybe we'll see you at one or more of these events and activities.