Hello from our new Team Rector

Northstowe is part of the group of churches coming together to form the 5 folds family. Our new team rector, Revd Dr Simon Gill, is soon to arrive, and has sent us this message:


Very soon Sallie and I will be moving to Over to join you all in 5folds. We look forward to sharing the journey of growing closer to Jesus together.

There are many challenges around us with Brexit, a society that struggles ever more to know, love and be blessed by God and our churches grappling with how to help our communities in these circumstances. However, Jesus is Lord and by the power of the Holy Spirit, God Almighty has through the centuries not only sustained his people but enabled more to come to know the joy of being in relationship with Him. Some of those times were rather more difficult than ours!

In 2 Samuel 22, towards the end of the story of David’s life, he looks back and gives thanks for God’s provision, protection and guidance. Reading the earlier chapters shows there were plenty of bumps in the road along that journey!

I’m sure our communities will face various bumps ahead, but let us face those with the confidence, joy and hope that our Lord God gives us and enjoy that journey together.

May God’s blessings be with you,
