Accessible Church!

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar

All Saints Church is pleased to announced the provision of a qualified BSL interpreter twice a month

Starting in October, on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month Roma and Anna will interpret the full service and coffee time to enable our Deaf members of the congregation to better access the service and fellowship in church. 

Until recently Mary has been informally signing the songs, but we felt called a sa church to provide a more inclusive experience for everyone in the church family. She will continue to support the interpreters on a Sunday and we are very excited to confirm that the PCC confirmed it will finance Mary’s next BSL qualification. 

Ted and Harriet have said that if anyone would like to meet informally for a coffee and to learn some sign language, please get in touch (either through the church office, or on Sunday) and if there is enough interest then we will look to hosting the sessions in the church cafe.