Vacancy Update

Church_news Notices

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">I thought it would be helpful to inform everyone of the current position regarding our vacancy. We advertised earlier in the year for the position of Rector and we were due to interview the applicants in March 2020. Due to the pandemic the interviews were cancelled. In June Bishop Alan advised that he didn’t envisage things progressing until we got to stage 4 of relieving lockdown. On July 6th, our parish development adviser, Gill Lovell, arranged a Zoom meeting with the Parish Representatives to look at how we move forward with re-advertising the post. We know that interviews may not be able to be held face to face, depending on the pandemic situation. The number of candidates currently looking to move position is much reduced due to the pandemic. The Bishop, Area Dean and Lay Chair of the Deanery, have expressed strongly that given the extreme uncertainty of the situation we are in, we should take our time and not rush into any appointment. The Parish Representatives will be meeting again soon to collectively decide how they would like to proceed, before reporting back to the Bishop, who has the ultimate decision. We will keep you updated and welcome your prayers as we go through this long and frustrating process.</span>

Best wishes,


David Robinson LVO

Lay Chair Wychert Benefice Committee & Licensed Lay Minister