Our Faith

The message at the heart of Christianity is pretty simple, but its impact and effects are far reaching. At its heart of the Christian faith is an amazing invitation from the God who made us and loves us. At the very centre of Christianity is the person of Jesus, born as a man, living on earth, dying for us and rising to new life. At its core is the work of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence and power in the lives of His people today.

Like any good invitation, we need to know what we’re being invited to. This invitation to us is about forgiveness from the past, new life in the present, and an amazing hope for the future.

There are lots of different ways of finding out more. One of the best ways is to come and meet other people at Church who have heard and responded to this invitation from God – we’d love to tell you more about the difference God has made, and is making, in our lives. Or come and take part in an Alpha Course, a ten week practical introduction to the Christian faith.

Why not make a start right now? You could begin with finding out more about Jesus from the pages of the Bible, starting with Luke’s gospel. Or you can watch “The Hope“, an 80 minute film of the story of God’s promise for all people as revealed in the Bible.