Messy Church at home- Advent candle

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Dear All

Christmas is coming and it is still exciting, despite what is going on around us. The way we spend it this year will be very different, so it is wonderful to remember that there is something that never ever changes – and that is God’s love for us, in the form of one tiny baby, Jesus.

When you hold your lit candle in its beautiful candle holder (photos of your handiwork, please) here is a prayer to say:

One candle in the darkness and the dark is filled with light

God is light. God is love

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light,

Light has dawned on them

God of hope fill us with joy and peace.

We trust You.

We pray that in the darkness of our times

We may still be full of hope,

Looking for the coming of Jesus into our world - Amen

With love and prayers

Delphine x

A template of a candle holder is attached and also one that I have decorated. As Delphine says we would love to see how you choose to decorate your candle holder. There is a supply of the template and some candles in the porch of St James, Acton - please feel free to take one, whether or not you you have been to Messy Church

Church services

Services in church restart on Sunday 6th December at 9am with a Holy Communion service at All Saints, Bednall led by David Primrose. Please book your place in church with Grete (01785 661939 [email protected])

The usual Sunday Zoom service will be on too starting at 11am – if you would like to join please email [email protected]).

Katharine House

Please support the Appeal to Save Katharine House Hospice

Both Acton Trussell and Bednall are raising funds to help save our hospice - every little helps so please do what you can to help.

In Bednall there is a wonderful Christmas Stall on the drive of Toni and Paul Castle (opposite Bednall church) where you can buy Christmas gifts, cards, calendars, holly wreaths, cakes and much more to help raise funds.

In Acton you can make a donation as part of your Christmas giving, whether cash or cheque (payable to Katharine House Hospice). Please pop this in an envelope, marked “KHH” and drop off at Donna Cox’s house, ‘Leighside’,Lower Penkridge Road, Acton Trussell. ‘Leighside’ is towards the Moat House end of Lower Penkridge Road and on the same side as the Moat House. As you may know Donna has a small dog who likes to chomp through items coming through the post, so please would you put your donation envelopes into the small postbox outside by the front door and not through the front door. If you can’t get down to “Leighside” or if you have any questions please ring Eleanor on 01785 716265.

We will continue to keep in touch with Messy Church families either with at home activities or by Zoom until we can meet again safely.

In the meantime during this period of Advent remember that Christmas is coming.

Take care, stay safe and God Bless.

Eleanor, Delphine and the Messy Church Team