Bednall Reordering Project 2024

The existing building has only basic utilities such as electricity and water but no toilet facilities and the current fixed pew configuration limits accessibility for wheelchairs users and also the types of community events that can be held.  There has been a long-time aspiration for a community meeting place in the village.  In 1930 the village received a bequest from Joseph Brown to "to provide a reading or recreation room for the said Parish of Bednall in memory of the Brown family".  This legacy is still held by the Parish but at £9,000, its purchasing power has diminished over time.  The PCC want to honour the intention of this bequest by providing a separate warm space within the building with internet access and integral toilet and tea facilities.  Users and potential users of the building were canvassed as to their requirements in 2021 and their responses have been reflected in the final plans.

As of January 2024, we have the required permissions to start the project in earnest. It is envisaged that the work will be approached in the following stages:-

Enabling Stage *IN PROGRESS* : relocate the Victorian organ from the south aisle to west end of the nave.  The organ has been in situ since 1887 and is still played at Sunday services.  The plan is to renovate the constituent parts of the organ at the same time so that it will be protected for many years to come.  The font will be move to a new baptism area at the west end of the nave. Installation of new flooring in the west end of the Nave following the removal of a number of pews to make a flexible space in the nave.

Stage 1: installation of the toilet, tea bar and storage units in the south aisle plus connection to sewage drains plus upgrades to flooring in this area. 

Stage 2: installation of the glazed screening to the nave south aisle arcade to provide a separate warm space for smaller events

Stage 3: alterations to the porch area to provide a new glazed door from the porch to the main building to enhance energy efficiency, upgrades to the lighting and heating, redecoration

This project is a significant undertaking assessed at costing in excess of £200,000. The PCC has already raised almost £110,000, is currently applying for assistance from grant making bodies and is now looking for donations so that all the work can be completed in 2024.

Your help would be greatly appreciated in enabling us to complete this project.

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