Hi All - we have missed seeing you - hope you and the family are well.If you managed to get away on holiday hope you had a good time.At this time of year some of you will be thinking of starting or going back to school (or nursery/playgroup) but not just yet!As we can't get together for Messy Church for the time being, we havean activity we thought you might like to try.This time we're thinking of God's tiny creatures and hope you can make a Tin Can Insect House, similar to the one you can see in the picture. You will need a tin can, pieces of bamboo stick (you can add cones and twigs to make a nice tight fit), paint (acrylic is best), varnish (or maybe you can borrow Mum's nail varnish!) and some strong string to hang your insect house from the branch of a tree.Have fun and please send us a photo of your insect house creations.Just to let you know that All Saints and St James churches are not reopening just yet and this is going to be reviewed in early September - in the meantime you are welcome to join the online Sunday Zoom services at 11am by contacting Roger Howarth on 01785 714527We will be keeping in touch with all Messy Church families either with at home activities or by Zoom session.In the meantime take care, stay safe, God Bless.Eleanor, Delphine and the Messy Church Team
Hi All - we have missed seeing you - hope you and the family are well.At this time of year in Messy Church we would usually be holding an outdoor sport and picnic session and perhaps looking forward to some holidays, but its <span style="font-size: 1rem; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">a bit different this year.</span>Instead as its summertime we thought you might like to get involved in counting <span style="font-size: 1rem; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">and identifying Butterflies, one of God's beautiful creations. The Big Butterfly </span><span style="font-size: 1rem; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">Count, run by Butterfly Conservation, is on from 17th July to 9th August and you will be able to see all the details on their website. I'm attaching a sheet of butterflies so you can identify the different kinds.</span>I'm also attaching a picture of a butterfly to colour in yourself. Please send us your butterfly creations."The Messy Team have really missed our monthly “get togethers” and we intend to try another on line Messy in August and this time record it for Youtube, so you can view it at your convenience..Eleanor mentioned The Big Butterfly Count. Times like this are very important and remind us of God’s amazing natural world. It’s also important to remember that we need to take care of this world, to ensure future generations will benefit from its beauty. In the Bible, the Book of Genesis tells us that God put us here as its custodians - we are the world’s guests not it’s masters.If you get away on holiday have a lovely time. God bless - Delphine"For your information you might like to know that All Saints and St James churches are not reopening just yet and this is going to be reviewed towards the end of August - in the meantime please feel free to join the online Sunday Zoom services at 11am by contacting Roger Howarth on 01785 714527We hope to do another Messy Church goes Zoom next month and hope tosee you then.In the meantime take care, stay safe, God Bless.Eleanor, Delphine and the Messy Church Team