The next meeting is Tuesday 9th April at 7-30pm in Stowe Village Hall.

Stowe-by-Chartley Women's Institute:

 On Tuesday 12th March, 33 members and 5 guests attended the regular meeting. It was also the Annual General meeting. The President, Kath, welcomed everyone and after Jerusalem was sung, the formal meeting took place. The president informed the group of the activities from the past month, and what was to take place in the forthcoming months.

Before the end of meeting Kath made 2 very special presentations, both Kathleen Sargeant and Ursula Marston have been members of the WI for 60 years. They joined in the same month in 1964 and have been active members ever since. The annual meeting took place, with updates on what members have been involved in over the last 12 months.

Kath S, delivered the treasurers report.

The committee is the same for the next 12 months with Liz Craddock joining the team. Kath Hopcroft was unanimously voted in again as President. After the Annual General Meeting one of the members Jane Napier gave the group an interesting insight into The science of sleep. She spoke about how much sleep the average person needs to function properly and any less than that regularly, could have an impact on the persons driving skills. She gave hints and tips about how to get to sleep if members are having problems, but one big piece of advice was to get out into the morning light, this will help the body to produce melatonin.

Angela gave the votes of thanks, after which refreshments were served.

New members & guests are always welcome. We meet 2nd Tuesday of month at 7.30pm at Stowe Village Hall. Contact our president Kath Hopcroft on 01889 - 270516, or - Facebook - Stowe WI .