Community First Responders

As we are continually hearing in the news, the NHS is struggling with increasing demands on its services, with few signs of any improvement in the foreseeable future. In an effort to secure that all-important initial response and provide our villages and large business community with the benefit of trained personnel, we are starting a Community First Responders scheme.

The project will be supported by West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) which will undertake interviews and the selection of responders and provide all training and some equipment. However, money will have to be raised by the community to purchase a vehicle, uniforms and additional equipment.

Initially, for the first couple of years, it will be set up and run by Hixon Memorial Hall (reg charity 22399) after which period it should be self-sufficient and a charity in its own right. The scheme will benefit Hixon, Weston, Great and Little Haywood and all the rural communities, farms, and businesses in between.

We will need donations, small or large, from the community to finance the scheme for everyone's benefit and fundraising events will be taking place. The first of these is a Music Night on 23rd February when

Rodney Branigan (supported by Beckany) will be performing in Hixon Memorial Hall. Rodney is an amazing Texan musician (who now lives in Taunton) and who amongst other things, plays two guitars at once! (Contact Mark Farrington for details and tickets - see next page.)

Volunteer CFRs do not need to have a medical background but once trained, they respond when available, in their own time and without pay, to emergency 999 calls passed to them by WMAS. They are not a substitute for paramedics, however they have life-saving skills with which to support patients in their local community until an emergency ambulance arrives. CFRs normally cover an area approximately 5 to 7 miles from their home or place of work.

For the CFRs to be able to provide this valuable service, they will need the support of a committee which will amongst other things, be responsible for raising funds to pay for ongoing costs, such as vehicle maintenance, insurance, uniforms and equipment.

If you would like to become part of this team or wish to find out more of what's involved please contact me by email...

Mark Farrington, Chairman Hixon Memorial Hall

[email protected]
