The Oasis community café forms part of our buildings.

Open from 8.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturday the Oasis serves great, Fair-trade coffee, tea and other hot and cold drinks and delicious food, home-made cakes, snacks and more to eat in or take out.

Very much a community cafe, the Oasis is also a meeting place for local people.  A number of community groups and organisations use the Oasis as a meeting point including:

A bingo club for pensioners (Mondays)
A mental health and well-being social hub coffee club (Tuesdays)
Pensioner's friendship group (Thursdays)
Walking for health group (Fridays)

The vicar's office is inside the Oasis Café and anyone is welcome to drop by to chat, pray or enquire about weddings, Christenings or funerals.

The Oasis Cafe Facebook page can be found at:     FB.me/TheOasisCafePendeford