
Plenty going on in Tittensor this week again: Tittensor Tots had a great time playing in the hall and looking at the Nativity scene in the church; Oaklea residents had a carol concert and Tittensor First School children brought cheer to local people.

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This week Doreen reflects on 'holy days', now shortened to 'holidays', Revd Noreen Russell tells us about the range of colours seen in churches and there is a reminder of just how old one of the yew trees is at St Luke's. Clue: it's a long time.

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In this week's Newsletter, Paul Graetz suggests that we should all focus on two commandments that Jesus gave his followers. There's plenty of dates for events and news of some from last week.

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There's a message from Revd John Beswick Pallister, our new vicar, in this week's Newsletter. There's also news of coming events in Tittensor and a reminder that Christians are entering the 'waiting period' of Advent.

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