About Us

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), our buildings (St James Hill Top and St Paul's Bagnall Street), will be close for public and private prayer.

lf you would like to talk to someone, or are in need of help, please phone 0121 532 2865, and our Vicar Mark Wilson will do all he can to help you and support you during this time.

If you want to join us in prayer and the reading of scripture, please join us for Morning and Evening prayer every day 9:00am Monday to Saturday for Morning Prayer 5:00pm every evening for evening prayer and 10:00am for Sunday Worship.

Our Services can be found on our Facebook page  you will find a feed on this page, and our Sunday Worship will also be shown on our YouTube Chanel.

God Bless

Mark Wilson

St James' Church meets at 10.00am every Sunday. Find us on Facebook SJPCHURCH or on our website www.sjpchurch.co.uk . You are very welcome to attend and will find a very warm welcome from the church members. We are really happy to help people who want to know more about the Christian faith to explore what its really about. Please ask the vicar about the Welcome Group that he runs regularly. This is a safe place to ask questions that will help you understand God's richest promises.

Children Welcome!

Every Sunday BLAST a group for children between 3yrs through Primary age, will take place during Sunday Services.

BLAST stands for Bible Learning and Sharing Together

Safeguarding is a priority in our churches

If you would like us to pray for you, please let us know, either by coming to church, or drop us an email.

If you think that the church can help you or someone else, please let us know so that we can do what we can.

During each month we have a variety of services 

at St James. 

On the 1st Sunday, we have All Age Worship 

On the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays we have a Communion

and on the 3rd Sunday, we have Morning Worship.

at St Paul's

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays we share Communion together

2nd and 4th Sundays we have Evening Worship