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Our usual pattern of worship is as follows

Two services run at 10AM each Sunday. In the church a full choral Eucharist takes place, whilst in the Community Centre Time for God takes place, a less formal worship service.

The Eucharist service in church has service sheets printed for the whole service; large print versions are available and large print New English Hymnals are also available.

St. Peter's has a versatile choir to lead the music with a wide variety of music from 16C to more the more modern.
The services conclude by joining for morning coffee.

Most Sundays we have Choral Evensong at 6pm except in August, the weekend after Christmas and Easter when the choir has a break.

St Peter's is the original Parish Church of Bexhill, and has been witnessing to Christ and serving the local community for over twelve hundred years. This work continues today, and as you browse this site we hope that you will be able to appreciate the extent and vitality of our church's life today.

We believe that, through a wide variety of activities, St Peter's has much to offer to people of all ages.