Christ the Lord Broadfield

Welcome! We would love for you to come and join us for one of our church services at 10.30am on a Sunday. We welcome everyone and include groups for children in our services

Get in touch

Rev David King

CtL, Broadfield Community Centre
Coachmans Drive
West Sussex RH11 9BA

RH10 6EH
Rev David King
07743 556486
Administrator, Southgate Team
(01293) 547261

Our website

What's on

Morning Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ the Lord Broadfield
Coachmans Drive Broadfield Crawley, RH11 9BA, United Kingdom

We meet at 11am. Services are relayed onto video screen with the songs and words projected for all to see. Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of the month. There are all age celebrations several times a year, either on special occasions or the fifth Sunday of a month.