Facilities and features


Two Toilets in church hall, one is an accessible toilet.

In the accessible toilet

Room for 20 cars in car park. More spaces on local roads when Brighton & Hove Albion are not playing at Home.

One Accessible Toilet

Ramped entrance at main church door and two ramped entrances to church hall.

Hearing Loop fitted in the main church.

Welcomed in church and hall.

Our Building

Music and Worship

Groups, Courses and Activities

Runs for one week in the school holidays in the summer.

Help for Visitors

WiFi available in the main building when the church is open.

Other Features

Food Bank every Wednesday morning at 11 a.m.

The church hall is available to hire. The current charge is £21 per hour.
For booking enquiries please contact Revd. Betsy by phone or email.
Phone: 07842 608 911
Email: [email protected]