
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Office Phone
0151 645 6478

Getting here

Townfield Church is a family friendly Church working together with St Andrew's Church in the Parish of Bebington. We are a group of Christians; people who are wanting  to know more, people who have questions about life and faith, of different ages and backgrounds. Families and children are a significant proportion of those with us Sunday by Sunday.  This is our vision statement:

A Christ-Centred Family Sharing God’s Love

Christ-Centred: Followers of Jesus Christ, grounded in scripture, prayer and worship
Family: An inclusive fellowship where all ages are nurtured and enabled to use their God-given gifts
Sharing God’s love: Making Christ known in our daily lives with everyone we meet. Serving and loving each other, our community and beyond

Townfield Lane, St Andrew's School
CH63 7NL

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