Safeguarding Policies with contact details for both Children and Adults

The Parish of St Mary Anstey

Child Safeguarding Policy Statement

The following policy was agreed at the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meeting held November 2023.

The PCC affirms the principles of the House of Bishops’ Policy for Safeguarding Children (contained in Protecting All God’s Children) and is committed to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of the children and young people in its care. The PCC will:

 Appoint a Child Protection Coordinator to work with the incumbent and the PCC to implement policy and procedures. The coordinator will ensure that any concerns about a child or the behaviour of an adult are appropriately reported both to the statutory agencies and to the relevant Archdeacon. The Coordinator, if not a member of the PCC, will have the right to attend its meetings and will report to it at least annually on the implementation of this policy.

 Ensure that a person is nominated to act as somebody to whom children may talk to about any problems, if they so wish. This person will be known as the Independent Person or Children’s Advocate and will, if possible, be somebody who is accessible to the children and who does not have responsibilities for children within the parish.

 Display in church premises where children’s activities take place the contact details of the Coordinator and Independent Person/Children’s Advocate, along with the Childline and Parentline telephone numbers and web addresses. A copy of this statement of policy will also be displayed in such places as well as in the church and church hall.

 Ensure that all those authorised to work with children or who are in a position of authority are appropriately recruited according to safer recruitment practice in line with Church of England national policy, and are trained, resourced and supported. This will include providing them with a copy of this policy and of the Diocese of Leicester’s Child Protection Handbook.

 Ensure that only authorized people work with children and that all work with children is carried out within appropriate accountability structures.

 Ensure that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children undertaken in the name of the parish.

 Review the implementation of the child protection policy, procedures and practices at least annually.

 Work to create a culture of informed vigilance which takes children seriously.

 Pay particular attention to children with special needs and those from ethnic minorities to ensure their full integration and protection within the church community.

 Ensure that those who may pose a threat to children and young people are effectively managed and monitored.

 Ensure that a health and safety policy and the appropriate procedures and risk assessments are in place and that these are reviewed periodically.

 Act without delay on allegations or suspicions of abuse using the procedure laid down by the Diocese of Leicester.

 Respond without delay to any complaints received regarding children’s work or the safeguarding of children.

 Ensure that all new PCC members have access to this policy and the Diocese of Leicester Child Protection Handbook so that they are aware of their responsibilities.

 Cooperate fully with investigations by statutory agencies and will not conduct its own investigations.

 Seek to offer informed pastoral care to any child, young person or adult who has suffered abuse.

 Care for and supervise any member of the church community known to have offended against a child while maintaining appropriate confidentiality.

This policy statement will be renewed annually and progress in carrying it out will be monitored by the Safeguarding Lead who is also our Independent Person/Children’s Advocate to whom children or adults can talk to about worries and concerns about possible child abuse. 

Marian Driver

She can be contacted on Tel: 0116 3481587

Policy on the Safeguarding of Adults in the Church

This statement was adopted by St Mary Anstey (Parish) at a Parochial Church Council meeting held on Monday 20th January 2020

This policy will be reviewed each year to monitor the progress which has been achieved.

1. We recognize that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives.

2. As members of this parish we commit ourselves to respectful pastoral care for all adults to whom we minister.

The over arching principles for adults and children are the same.

The lead person should always liaise with and seek advice from the designated person in the diocese. If there is clear evidence that the vulnerable person has suffered abuse, then this should be reported as soon as possible to local authority Adult Services as the lead agency. All Adult Services Departments (or similar) have policies about the safeguarding of vulnerable peoples and will work in multi-agency collaboration with the health service and police. However if you think a person is in immediate danger then contact the police.

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Rachael Spiers can be contacted at St Martin’s House Tel: 0116 2615341