About Us

St Mary’s Church Car Colston places the community at the centre of all our activities.

The pandemic has allowed us to refocus on the service the Church is able to offer our village and the surrounding communities. As a result, we have made some changes in recent months and have wonderful plans for the future of St Mary’s.

We have started holding community-based events and services under ‘WYD’ (Wider Younger Deeper) and recent events have included a ‘Wild Churchyard’ morning and a Pet Service. We have lots more events in the pipeline.

These community-based events alternate with our traditional 3rd Sunday communion services which are either Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship. We try to ensure there is something for everyone.

In the future, we aim to complete the Bronze award of the A Rocha Eco Church – an initiative to improve the awareness and protection of our environment. We are already making great progress towards this.

In addition, we have plans for making improvements to the layout and facilities at St Mary’s to allow greater use as a community space.