About Us

Our Mission at St Mary's is 'to grow in the knowledge and love of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and to make Christ known'. We are developing our work with young families and our outreach to the local community, and we welcome newcomers and visitors to our place of worship. St Mary's offers a variety of worship styles from the traditional to the more contemporary. We are currently developing our family service on the 4th Sunday of each month which is especially child friendly, however we welcome families to all our services and hope that you will experience a warm welcome when you join us.

The incumbent is the Revd Dale Gingrich, and we are blessed to have an abundance of retired clergy.  We offer all normal services (including occasional offices such as Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals) in co-ordination with the parishes of St Laurence's, Milcombe and St Peter ad Vincula, South Newington.  The Vicar, retired clergy and Churchwardens work together to share the good news of God's love for everyone.  You can reach them by contacting the Benefice Office on our details below.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Seek advice from our Parish Safeguarding Officer

Liz Farmer - [email protected]

or visit oxford.anglican.org/safeguarding