About Us

St John's is very much a family church and known as being very welcoming. We have a good number of young families, but also a good number of members who are over 55. The Church has a robed choir, with both adult and junior choristers. There is also Junior Church which meets during part of the Sunday morning service, except on the 1st Sunday when there is an All-Age Communion Service.

Our Team Vicar is Rev Canon Tony Bundock. Prior to joining the Risborough team Tony served as the Rector of Leeds in the Minster Church (St Peter's) and headed up the Leeds City Team of Churches.

His Licensing service took place with Bishop Alan on Thursday 23 October 2014 and there was a great attendance from both the congregation of Lacey Green and surrounding churches, but also with a large number of visitors who travelled all the way from Leeds for the event.