We are now into an interregnum, as our vicar has resigned due to ill health and with the problems of Covid 19 we are reliant on our Hon Assistant Minister, Revd. Stephen Seamer for support for the whole benefice

After years of fundraising and months of negotiating the West Window of St. Margaret's Church at Felbrigg has been now repaired and reglazed. This is thanks to the dedicated work and support of all those who have contributed to this repair. The Window was rededicated at a special evening service on the 15th of July 2018.

On Friday the 6th of July 2018, just in time for the Flower Festival, after even longer negotiations, the Church moved a little further into the 20th Century with a tap connected to fresh water,  this has ended the laborious transport of water in large containers by members of the congregation for Services and refreshments.

Unfortunately due to the Covid 19 restrictions on visitors, there will be no Flower Festival in 2020, hopefully life may return to normality in 2021

During the latter part of 2018, the bottom end of the roadway to the Church was levelled  and and covered in gravel, and a parking area by the Churchyard wall was created. A few potholes were filled in and the bump by the gate levelled, these works have made the passage for vehicles to the Church much easier and less of a rollacoaster ride from the Hall. The parking area has also made it easier for cars to get a grip on the surface without the sliding and skidding in the mud when leaving the Church as was experienced in previous years.

The path to the Church through the Churchyard has been levelled and covered in tarmac making an easy path from the gate to the South porch entrance.

In August 2020,  three Marble tomb covers dating from the 10th to the 12th century have been rescued from the derelict North porch and place on a plinth in the North Western corner of the churchyard. They predate the present structure by at least 200 years and were discovered a long time ago during a grave dig, see attached photograph.

In August 2021 we installed an audio system, with loudspeakers in the Nave and one in the Chancel, there are microphone sockets at the altar, the pulpit and lectern which has an extension lead to reach the second pew. There is also a radion microphone for the use of theofficiating priest, an enhancement for the organ, a hearing loop and a manual input for random music for funerals and weddings. For the first time in 1000 years those of hard of hearing will understand the service.

Tomb_Covers_in_situ-153, JPG
