About Us

St Mary the Virgin, Layer Marney is one of a group of 'Five Parishes' in our nine parish benefice.

More Information  about our services of worship, forthcoming events and the history of the building, can be viewed on our website at www.layerchurches.org.uk

Details of Services are on the page www.layerchurches.org.uk/services.htm

Details of Forthcoming Events are on the page www.layerchurches.org.uk/upcoming.htm

We use a Common Worship order for Holy Communion.

An Historic Church

St Mary the Virgin Church was rebuilt by the Lords of Marney in the early 16th century in the Perpendicular style, in brick with tower and battlements. The south chancel porch is a rare addition, as is the priest’s extension on the north side. A light and open interior includes some excellent tombs, including Sir William’s, (died 1414) from an earlier church. Also the tombs of Lord Henry and his son John, who both attended the Field of the Cloth of Gold with Henry VIII. There is a large Tudor fireplace in the Marney chantry chapel, itself a splendid memorial to a transient glory, as the Marney line ended when both Henry died in 1523 and John in 1525, with both Church and Tower unfinished, leaving no male heir. There is a charming and well conserved wall-painting of St Christopher’s miracle in the nave.