About Us

Welcome to Dedham and Ardleigh Parishes.   On Sundays we have a variety of services from the more traditional to contemporary through the month and hope that you will find something that suits you and helps you to grow in your faith.

Each Sunday starts with a quiet service of Holy Communion at 8am based on the traditional words in theBook of Common Prayer (bcp).

Our mid morning worship at 11am uses more contemporary words from Common Worship (cw) and once a month we have a traditional Matins from the Book of Common Prayer.
For these traditional services we are led in our sung worship by our organists and choir.

We also have monthly more contemporary services:

  ReVive at 5 on the fourth sunday each month has a completely different feel. We gather for tea, coffee and hot chocolate from 4.30pm and this informal service lasts from 5-6pm with contemporary songs, prayer, testimonies and bible teaching.

  Rise n Shine - a new all-together service will be starting soon. From August 6th there's going to be a new service at Dedham each month at 9.30am. This will be for 45 minutes and will be especially appropriate for families with children at primary school, but people of all ages are welcome!

Which ever service you come to you will find a warm welcome, engaging and relevant teaching from the bible, and opportunities to be quiet alongside times of singing together. And there's normally tea and coffee to enjoy afterwards!