About Us

If you are new to our Church there is no need to worry, we follow an easy to follow service, and the Priest will guide you through the service.  Children are most welcome and if they want to move around that is not a problem, they are children after all.

We do have a toilet and a loop system for those that require it.

All are invited to take Communion at the altar rail, if you normally take Communion at another Church that is not a problem either.

Should you just like to have a blessing, come to the rail but hold your hands down.

This could be an opportunity to discuss with Reverend Rose about being Baptised or confirmed, with no obligation, do consider it.

We look forward to meeting you.

<strong>Communion for the housebound:</strong> Any requests by people who are housebound and for whom it’s impossible to come church to make their Christmas Communion, should be made to Rev Rose (01245 361927)

Do join us at 11am each Sunday during the covid 19 pandemic for a live church service.