
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Getting here

St Luke's Church has a friendly mixed and diverse congreation, which reflects the community in which we are situated. We are people of all ages and backgrounds and from a number of different countries. Our worship is centered on the Eucharist and is structured yet relaxed. 

The church is in Baxter Road, which is a short walk from Ilford Lane, at the opposite end of St. Luke's Avenue. Buses 169 and EL1 serve Ilford Lane. If coming by bus from Barking (169 destination Clayhall or EL1 destination Ilford Station) get off at the bus stop called "Wingate Road", and St. Luke's Avenue is the first road on your left in the direction that the bus was travelling. If coming by bus from Ilford (I69 destination Barking or EL1 destination Barking Riverside) get off at the stop called "Wingate Road", walk back to the pedestrian crossing and cross Ilford Lane, and then St Luke's Avenue is the first road on your left.  

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Baxter Road / St Luke's Avenue

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