Parish Safeguarding Information

Parish Safeguarding Officer:  

 Irene Lees  

Contact number:  0121 272 4316

Email:  [email protected]

Bishops Safeguarding Officer:

Telephone:  07342 993 844

[email protected]

The Parochial Church Council of St. John the Baptist has:

A. Agreed to adopt all of the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policy and practice guidance and The Church of England - Birmingham’s procedures for their implementation on 25th March, 2019.

B. agreed a Domestic Abuse policy. (This is a requirement as part of the responsibilities of Church Council detailed in the House if Bishops’ ‘Responding well to domestic abuse practice guidance 2017.)

C. displayed a ‘Need to Talk’ poster and given ‘A Small Guide to Safeguarding’ to leaders and helpers.

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