7th Sunday of Easter


7th Sunday of Easter

Readings: Acts 1v15-17 & 21-end; Psalm 1; 1 John 5v9-13; John 17v6-19.

Let us pray: May the words of my mouth, and the thoughts and meditations of all our hearts, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

A Word: This week we are between the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost, the time when Christians in denominations throughout the world are praying for God’s Kingdom to Come. A dedicated time to pray for the Holy Spirit to descend on people we know, or love or care about. For, one day Jesus will return to collect God’s people – and we can all play a part in getting the world ready. For, as the Psalm tells us, God is fond of those who: study the word of God and avoid the ways of the wicked; because they are like trees planted in Eden, trees always in blossom, trees bearing fresh fruit every month. And, as we are warned in the psalm, God is not pleased about people who waste their lives and brag about their sinful dead-end ways of living – for they are like windblown dust, an unfit company for innocent people, a people running headlong into danger.

This time of prayer for God’s Kingdom to Come – is a time of Christian action, to pray for people to turn away from wasted lives and become a people who study God’s word. Now, we know that prayer is important because, in the gospel of John, Jesus prayed for his followers. In his prayer, Jesus asked his father to guard his followers and keep them safe - by making them one in heart and mind – so that they would be able to carry out the mission they were sent out into the world on and be able to share the truth that consecrates and makes people holy. And, in the letter of John, we hear that the truth Jesus’ followers were sent out to share is that: whoever believes in the Son of God has eternal life; and whoever rejects what Jesus has to say about God - rejects the gift of eternal life.

Today, as Jesus followers we are: a people called into the service of God as a people of prayer and Bible study. A people who can pray for others. We are also a people who God calls into the ministry and leadership that Jesus is calling us into. A ministry and leadership that has its origins in antiquity when we look back to people like Moses and King David. A ministry and leadership that we hear about in the book of Acts as Peter sorts out a successor to replace Judas Iscariot using eligibility criteria, prayer and the drawing of straws. A process by which Matthias was chosen to join the eleven apostles and begin working with them to fulfil the work that Jesus had called them to do. Today I pray we will all hear the voice of God, and hear what is calling us to be as his chosen people. A people who Jesus prayed for who by working together co-operatively, will be consecrated and become holy because of Jesus.

Let us pray: Most merciful God, we give you thanks for your risen and ascended son Jesus, who delivered and saved the world by his death on the cross. Help us to be like him – a people who believe the testimony of God, that Jesus is the way by which we can be saved and grow into a people consecrated by the truth. Lord guide us as we study the scriptures; protect and guard us as we absorb the truth that will consecrate and make us holy. Lord help us as we do our best, and do our bit, to share the truth that will guide people to eternal life. Amen

Thank you for joining us.