2 Castle Bromwich Churches share a New Incumbant

An announcement to share with you all from
St Mary and St Margaret Castle Bromwich and St Clement of Alexandria

Bishop Anne, the Acting Bishop of Birmingham,
with Lord Bradford as Patron of St Mary & St Margaret,
is delighted to announce the appointment of the Revd Fiona Harrison-Smith as the next incumbent
of the parishes of St Mary & St Margaret Castle Bromwich and St Clement of Alexandria Castle Bromwich.

Fiona is currently the vicar of St Gabriel’s Weoley Castle in Church of England Birmingham.
Arrangements for Fiona’s institution and collation will be announced as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please keep Fiona, her family, and her present and future parishes, in your prayers.

Both churches are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Revd Fiona and looking forward to sharing their  spiritual journey with the Community of Castle Bromwich