A slight inconvenience.

Church_news Community_news News_about_our_building

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that in 782, there was ‘a synod at Acleah’, which is presumed to be Aycliffe, Acleah being one of its earlier names. Undoubtedly therefore there has been a Christian building or purpose in this village for over 1300 years.

When they originally constructed St Andrew’s our forefathers were more concerned with building a house in which to worship and glorify our Lord, than to cater for its visitors and mere mortals.

In could be said also that in 1882 when the last major restoration took place, our Victorian forebears missed a trick also, for those of you who have attended this wonderful old church, will have noticed, or maybe were even inconvenienced, by its lack of facilities.

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">Discussions have taken place amongst the DCC and with an architect following the last Quinquennial report, and some designs have been considered. The proposal is to provide toilet facilities adjacent to the church, but as an integral part of the building. In addition, a place to make a hot brew.</span>

To capitalise on our heritage and the wonderful Saxon crosses and carvings, we would also like to create a viewing and study area at the back of the church, perhaps under the tower, but including the rear sections of the North and South aisles.

This as a big project, and before we charge on in to it, we would like you the parishioners to consider its value, and perhaps make suggestions, as to what exactly you want us to achieve.