Monday 11 April 2022, Tuesday 12 April 2022, Wednesday 13 April 2022 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at for 30 mins
Venue Address
St Peter's Church, Wrestlingworth
A short reflective prayer service open to everybody who would like to make space during Holy Week to encounter Christ.

All Saints, Eyeworth

Whoever you are, you are welcome here!

Known locally as the 'Church in the Fields', this historic church is the spiritual home to people of all ages and stages of life, and at the heart of our community life.  As the lockdown slowly begins to ease, we are beginning to reintroduce services in our church grounds and building. See our 'Services and Events' page for more information.

Please do explore these pages to find our more about us and what's happening and if you would like to find our more about what's happening, do get in touch. We would love to hear from you!

Get in touch

Call Wendy Robinson (Church Warden) on 01767 631283.

What's on

DWE Benefice: Holy Week Compline

Monday 11 April 2022, Tuesday 12 April 2022, Wednesday 13 April 2022 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Peter's Church, Wrestlingworth
St Peter's Church, Wrestlingworth

A short reflective prayer service open to everybody who would like to make space during Holy Week to encounter Christ.