Facilities and features


There is a toilet in church through the kitchen area at the base of the tower

Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available

There is a toilet in church through the kitchen area at the base of the tower which is suitable for use by those with some mobility (there are steps up from the kitchen but grab rails and a raised seat). Fully wheelchair-accessible toilets are available in the Windhill Churches Centre, a short distance away from the church.

Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible

Accessible parking in the churchyard (limited number of spaces) and drop-off possible at main entrance


No steps into main (north) entrance of church, from Windhill

Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print hymn books, newsletters and orders of service always available

Assistance Dogs
Dementia Aware / Accessible

Gluten free biscuits always available at refreshments after main services

Wheelchair access throughout the church, apart from into the Vestry (see other notes regarding toilets).

Our Building

The church is generally open from around 9am to 3pm each day

Stained Glass

There is a warm, quiet space in the Lady Chapel, with books to read if you'd like

Listed Building

Music and Worship

12 fully restored/new bells, following an extensive project in 2022/23, with new frames, stairways and access to the parapet!

We have a regular programme of choral events and music, organised/co-ordinated by our talented Director of Music.

The organ is at the heart of our Sunday worship and also underpins our flourishing choral tradition. We have a traditional three-manual pipe organ built by A. Kirkland in 1888 and subsequently rebuilt by J.W. Walker & Sons in 1940 & 1972 and by Mander Organs in 2016.

Book of Common Prayer Services
Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group
Alpha course

Various Home Groups meet for Bible Study on a weekly basis

Quarterly coffee mornings in the Windhill Churches Centre

TLC meets monthly on the first Tuesday. Everyone is welcome - not just the over 60s

Tiny Tots meets weekly in our Parish Centre: The Windhill Churches Centre

Help for Visitors

Group guided tours available if booked in advance

Guidebooks / Notes

9am-3pm (approximately) every day

Other Features

Audio-Visual Facilities
Conservation Area

Built in 2010, the Windhill Churches Centre, immediately behind our church, accommodates the needs of both St Joseph’s Catholic Church and our own St Michael’s Church. It marks a milestone in inter-denominational co-operation: providing two large open hall spaces for 90 people, each with their own kitchen, smaller rooms for group activities and office accommodation, for the use of both churches. More information, and letting options, available on our website.