Weekly prayer topics

Last Updated: 7th April 2024

Here we suggest focus points for prayer, but please continue to pray for the work of our churches and missionary partners around the world (at www.achurchnearyou.com/church/7825/page/77358/view)

Praise God

- for the resurrection life that is open to all through Jesus’ death and resurrection

- for all that is happening in our benefice to bring our community closer to God

- for the promise of the fulfilment, in his good time, of all that God has planned

Pray for those in pain or distress

- for all who are grieving, especially the family and friends of Margaret Wallace and Heather Kendall

- for all who are in hospital, including members of our church family, undergoing tests or waiting for treatment, or who are unwell at the moment

- for all who have been listed here in recent weeks, and who still need our prayers

- for those who need our prayers but have chosen not to be named here

- for those who care for any who are unwell

Pray for our community

- for all who are travelling or on holiday, that they will return refreshed

- for all who aren’t able to be with family or friends, for whatever reason, that they will know God’s love for them

- for all who visit our churches, that they will find God in a new way

Pray for our outreach, our service and our churches

- for our café helpers, Little Angels helpers and all who are taking a break right now and preparing for the next term

- for our church family members who do so much to support the work of the church in this community, that they will know God’s call, his guidance and his power as they do so

- for Rebecca, as she returns from holiday later this week, and Michael as he takes some time off

Pray for our mission partners and the world

Ethiopia is facing a humanitarian crisis. Drought, floods and violence have left 21.4 million people in urgent need of aid. Many have abandoned their homes in a desperate attempt to find food and water for their families and livestock.

Please pray for:

- resilience, protection and hope for aid organisations as they work to meet urgent needs

- farmers as they learn new farming methods to limit the damage caused by weather events

- the rainy season, when floods are forecast, is from March - May

- wisdom and blessing over the work of Tearfund partners helping with life saving relief.

If you are aware of anyone who would like our prayers, or who would like the church family to share in some news, good or bad, please let Caroline know.