Aspenden Church Yard

Church yards are sacred ground, a place to lay our loved ones to rest in God's care.

We are very grateful for the volunteers who take great care to keep our church yard regularly maintained.

St Mary's church yard including the Garden of Remembrance, is available for burials or interments of ashes for those who were resident in the parish of Aspenden at the time of their death or were regular members of the worshipping community of St Mary's. 

To see the parish boundary, please type your postcode into the search bar on this website, A Church Near You, here.

The church yard is open for full burials or an interment of ashes, including into an existing grave.

For information regarding a headstone or a plaque, please see the attachment 'Guidance for Families'.

Churchyard-Handbook-Guide-for-families-for-publication_MuU2OME, PDF
