About Us

St Mary’s Church, Reed is a beautiful little church with a spiritual and peaceful atmosphere and its services are in the main quiet and prayerful and for many it is a very special haven.

The Church, parts of which are of late Saxon period, although not having a huge congregation, is nonetheless much loved. This is not only reflected in the recently formed Friends of Reed Church (a registered charity), but in the many people who give freely of their time to support the Church in myriad and sundry ways.

Our services and other details are listed on our web site: https://unitedbenefice.wordpress.com

We are part of a small rural benefice in North East Hertfordshire, covering an area that includes Barkway, Barley, Reed, Buckland, Chipping, Nuthampstead and Newsells. Our nearest towns are Royston and Buntingford, but Cambridge is also within easy reach.

Our active churches are in Barkway, Barley and Reed.

For more information including service times, please copy and paste the following link into your browswer:


As Christians, we seek to worship God and live out our faith in our communities and beyond, in word and action, through loving God and loving our neighbour.